Help Your Web Hosting Customers Avoid Getting Hacked Due to WordPress Plugin Vulnerabilities

If your customers are using WordPress, they are at risk due to the poor security of WordPress plugins. We provide solutions that make it easy for you to help protect your customers from those vulnerabilities with minimal effort required on your part, since we uniquely are keeping up and ahead of what hackers are doing.

We provide an off-the-shelf service appropriate for you, an email newsletter service that provides all the information we have on the vulnerabilities we are adding to the data set of our main service on a daily basis, plus an immediate email alert when we come across new vulnerabilities that look to be exploited. Among the included information is all that is needed to detect if your customers are using a vulnerable version of the plugins, so it is possible, depending on your systems, to alert relevant customers to issues without bothering unaffected users of plugins.

We can also provide you with unlimited direct access to our entire data set. Contact us to discuss pricing.