Issues the Plugin's Developer Should Address:
- A security advisory warning about the developer of the plugin's handling of security has been released because of repeated security issues and that the developers has yet to improve their handling of security in response to that.
- The WordPress escaping function esc_url_raw() appears to be being misused. According to its documentation, it should only be used to sanitize a URL for database or redirect usage.
- The plugin doesn't contain a security.txt file (or alternatively a or SECURITY-INSIGHTS.yml), which would provide information on how to report security issues to the developer.
Resolving those issues would bring the plugin's grade up to an A+. You can notify the developer of the issues here. If the developer is interested in resolving those issues, we would be happy to help them to get started doing that.
You can also can consider using a similar plugin that is already more secure or one where the developer is interested in making their plugin more secure.
Plugin Information
- Slug: ultimate-addons-for-gutenberg
- Version: 2.14.1
- WordPress Plugin Directory listing
Highest Graded Blocks Plugins
PublishPress Blocks B
Block Editor Search & Replace B
Convert to Blocks B
Counters Block B
GenerateBlocks B
Genesis Blocks B
The Icon Block B
Insert Special Characters B
OffCanvas / Drawer B
Highest Graded Million+ Install Plugins
Classic Editor A
MonsterInsights A
Hostinger Tools A
MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress A
WP Fastest Cache A
EWWW Image Optimizer B+
Site Kit by Google B+
LiteSpeed Cache B+
Loco Translate B+
Redirection B+
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Check Plugin Not in WordPress Plugin Directory
Subscribers of our service can submit ZIP files of plugins that are not in the WordPress Plugin Directory to have them checked. (Not all issues can be checked for with uploaded plugins, as they require data not available with just the plugin's files.) You can sign up for the service for free here. For existing subscribers, once you are logged in to your account, return to this page to access that functionality.
The results of these gradings will not be stored.
About the Scorecard
The Plugin Security Scorecard grades plugins' handling of security based on data coming from the Plugin Vulnerabilities service, checking over the contents of the plugin, the API, and data generated specifically for the tool. It provides a useful, but incomplete, understanding of the security posture of the plugin and its developer. All the issues identified are ones that the developer of the plugin has the ability to address to get the grade of the plugin up to an A+.
Grades are calculated based on issues with any of the following:
- Plugins known to be vulnerable
- Plugin developers with track records of improperly handling security problems
- Security issues in the plugin that can be detected in an automated fashion
- Issues with the developer's developerment processes that suggest that their could be problems with security
- Plugins making unsupported, misleading, and false claims about their handling of security and the handling of security with WordPress
We are working to expand and refine the tools' ability to provide a good measure of plugins' security status. If you are aware of an additional security concern with this plugin that isn't represented here, please contact us. Other feedback on the tool is also welcome.
If you want a comprehensive understanding of the security of the plugin, a well-done security review is really needed to provide that.