Wordfence Premium Alternative

US$10.00 Per Website

The Wordfence Security plugin is significantly limited in the protection that its firewall can provide against genuine threats because the developer has decided that instead of providing general protection, they will write rules to protect against individual instances of vulnerabilities. The developer then charges $120 a year for the Wordfence Premium service to provide those rules in a “real-time” manner. They don’t actually provide rules when they are needed, but if they did, that would be an expensive approach to creating protection.

We have developed a firewall plugin that provides the general protection that Wordfence Security doesn’t, so we don’t need to create rules for every individual vulnerability. So we can offer better protection while only charging a onetime fee of $10 per website instead of a re-occurring $120 fee.

Unlike Wordfence Security and many other WordPress security plugins, our is a Certified WP Security product, so you can be assured that it delivers the promised results.

We are currently including a free lifetime subscription to our Plugin Vulnerabilities service along with the firewall plugin.


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